back to school
4:17 a.m. & 2008-04-03

I am ashamed to say that I have not updated for quite some time.

I found out that Nolan has a MySpace...after telling me that he deleted his. He told me he deleted his while we were on good terms, so I am confused about the lie. But that should not be surprising, as I've come to find that our whole 'relationship' has been a lie. I wonder how many girls he has tucked away in his pockets...

But like I said in my last entry, I am over that. I am not going to let that get me down!

Spring break was...boring. But relaxing! I literally did not do a single damn thing. I bought some jeans, my mom and I ate yummy mexican food, Em and I went to dinner once and I got a new tattoo. I was kind of being a hermit, but oh well. I never get the chance to do that at school, so why not take advantage of a big, comfy bed and a t.v. that has more than three channels?

School has been okay since I started up again. I really like two of my classes (information gathering and African-American arts and artists), but I absolutely LOATHE the other two (introduction to geography and introduction to ethics). However, I am going to try my hardest to get good grades this quarter...possibly straight A's!

Ash and I went to dinner last night and afterwards we went to her friend's apartment to play Taboo. It was a lot of fun.

Also, I have a new crush. He is 28 and DIVORCED. More on that later...

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