an epic day
5:49 p.m. & 2008-01-31

Hello lovers.

Finally grabbing some computer time on my lovely floormate Aigerim's Apple. I must say, these computers are quite impressive!

Stuff has been happening, but I must write about the most urgent incident NOW.

At 4 a.m., I texted Josh.

For anyone who religiously reads my blog, you'll know that Josh is my one great love in life thus far. I'm still not sure how many you get in life...according to Sex and the City, its two...but no matter what the number, he is one of them and the FIRST of them.

So yeah. I texted him.


Four hours later, at 8 a.m., he texts me back, asking who it is.

At first, I was debating whether or not to tell him who it was. We haven't spoken in a year and a half...and we did not exactly end on the best terms. But, after a few random "who is this" messages, I decided to tell him.

His response?

"Oh hey, whats up?"

We traded formalities for a few texts. I found out that he did end up transferring from the community college to the local college and now works for the county in juvenile probation, but still works at the movie theater on the weekends. He sounded pretty enthused about it, which I am happy about. It sounds like he is living his dream!

One text, however, took me off guard:

"You should send me a picture...I want to see if you look the same..."

!!! AND, we arranged to speak on the phone tonight!!!!!

I asked him what his e-mail was so I could send the picture, but I guess he meant over cell phone? But he gave me his e-mail anyway, so I sent him a few, then I sent him one over the phone. I thought I looked pretty cute. I mean, I don't expect him to be thinking about that, since I'm pretty sure he is still with his girlfriend, but it would still be nice to be look attractive for the love of my life.

I asked him if he looked the same and he said that he looked the same, but he was going to class, so he said, "I'm going to class so just give me a call after 8...I'll be at work so if I don't pick up...I'll call back."

So yeah. Tonight I will be speaking with the boy I consider to be one of the great loves of my life. IN FACT, as creepy as this sounds, I put talking to him once again on my list of things to do before I die. You only get one first love.

Kind of insane, I know. The most insane part is that I haven't fully come to terms with the depths of the insanity. In fact, texting him felt like the most normal thing to do. It was as if a year and a half hadn't elapsed at all...which was kind of creepy. It felt so natural. So we'll see how tonight goes.

Rest assured, readers and friends, I do not see this as anything more than two people who were once involved catching up. I mean, I would be lying if I said I did not at least WISH we would get back together...but wishing is where it stops. I am just happy to hear from him after all this time.

I am getting off the subject for the moment to talk about another boy--movie theater guy (haha, which is ironic considering Josh was my original movie theater boy). I asked him to hang out this weekend. His name is Ryan. I've written about him a few times. But yeah, I called and asked him to hang out and we planned to see The Savages on tomorrow. We didn't really finalize plans, so he said he'd call. So we'll see. Not fretting, as you can tellll.

Aside from that, today was kind of dull. I finished an article I was writing about a local art exhibit that seems pretty cool, and then I went into editing, which was okay. So yeah, LOL.

The past few days have been okay...I've been seeing a lot of people around town lately. I saw Chris and Andy the other day, at the library, which sucked because I looked SO BAD. Do any of you notice how you always look the worse when you see the people you rarely see, but always seem to be seeing when you look the worse? I HATE that! It is like my biggest pet peeve EVER. Grrrrrrr.

But oh well..."live now", right?

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