dear mr. self-righteous asshole
12:20 p.m. & 2008-01-24

Maybe I'm becoming more mature. Or maybe I am becoming jaded. But whatever it is, the awfulness of last night's coffee date with Will has not affected me in the least.

I will spare you the nitty gritty details and sum it up with this: Will does not respect me (because I slept with him--why else?) and I have yet to forgive or forget what happened before winter break. So basically, he thinks I'm a slut and I think he's an asshole.

I'm not going to dwell on it, but I would like to say this: I am sick and tired of people not respecting me for one reason or another. Will looked down his nose at me for really caring that Heath Ledger had died. I am getting really sick of not being "respected" for stupid, fucking reasons which I respect people despite stupid, fucking reasons. Let's take a look at Will, shall we? Sure, he is a mainstay in politics...but who wouldn't be if they were taking 12 credit hours??? I take 20! AND I have a paid position at a daily newspaper! Respect that! Will is almost in the newspaper every day for something or another...but apparently when he reads the paper he just reads the articles he is in and completely ignores everything else. Because, if he bothered to focus on something other than his own name, he would see that I published 2-4 articles a week! Suck on that!

I am actually quite proud of myself. For once, I am looking at someone else's flaws rather than my own. Its not really is HIM.

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