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11:29 a.m. & 2007-06-16

I'm sure most of you have seen that annoying commerical with the four women at the bar or whatnot, discussing their periods, uber-PMS, and Yaz. Well, despite the annoyingness of that commercial, my mom and I have decided that maybe Yaz is something that could help my depression. We have both concluded that my moodswings and fits of depression are signifigantly worse around my period. So I went to the OBYGN yesterday, a super nice lady who did not pooh-pooh at my sex life, and got it prescriped with a mild anti-depressant. Who knows. I am hopeful.

Anti-depressants are frequently described as medication that "take the edge off." That is exactly what I need. The 'edge' is what constantly torments my mind. That may sound more depressing than necessary, but it is true. It gets especially worse in the summertime, or during any prolonged period of time in which I am not doing anything. It's hard not to think about the past, worry about the present, and deliberate over the future.

Speaking of the past, Taylor and I went out last night and reminisced over our high school days. Well, he reminisced, I just sat and listened. Like I said, I am not too keen of looking to the past.

I need to distract myself.

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