live your life
9:56 p.m. & 2007-03-11

I was sitting next to boy's girlfriend at the Front Room.

It was aaawwwwkkkwwwwarrddd. I feel like she knows something. Eek!

Okay, so it is not technically the end of the quarter yet, but it is safe to say that I have learned quite a bit. Ironically, most of this has been outside of the classroom. It has pertained both to my social life and my future career. Here I go...

-First and foremost, DON'T HAVE ONE NIGHT STANDS WITH BOYS WHO HAVE GIRLFRIENDS AND/OR EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS. You WILL get attached and he WILL become as detached as humanly possible. His actions will then dictate your life for the next month, and you will begin seeing him and his friends EVERYWHERE! (haha, last Thursday, on the escalators in Baker...weird, eh?)
-Don't get drunk and hook-up with a boy you barely like. Thats how I got a boyfriend I didn't want.
-Don't confide in girls who will ultimately stab you in the back.
-And don't take History 121.

Don't worry, I am not all negativity...

-Do get to know as many people as you possibly can. For every five assholes, there is at least one good person who is worth knowing.
-Do take advantage of every possible oppurtunity. You never know, you could be interviewing famous musicians...
-Do put yourself out there. It may suck and eventually become a DON'T, but even that in itself is a blessing.
-And lastly, be glad that you take risks. I take them all the time and I am a better, more experience person for this. There is a girl who sometimes I think has it better than me in a lot of ways. But then, I reflect on the fact that she came here solely because she knew people, because she knew that she would be well-recieved among the it crowd. In the past six months, I have moved to and from New York City and Athens, Ohio knowing NO ONE. I could have stayed home and went to a local college with friends from high school, but I didn't. I could have even gone to OSU, where I know TONS of people, but I didn't. And for that, I have experienced so much that will influence my future.

Basically the point of this entry is to express my lack of regret. Put yourself out there, people. Get your heart hurt. Get rejected. Hurt, cry, rant, grumble, complain. Because that makes the laughing, the smiles, and the good times all that much better. P.S. I am so seeing Justin Timberlake on Thursday. P.S.S. Can I count seeing 300 as studying for history class?

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