see ya, tomorrow
12:11 a.m. & 2008-02-05

Ryan called tonight, kind of just to talk and to ask me to hang out tomorrow to watch the results of Super Tuesday!

I was just laying in my bed, kind of sad, replaying the events of every single conversation we've ever had in my head when all of sudden, he is calling me!

He was at work, playing manager at the big theater (my town has two theaters--one downtown, which primarily plays independent films and one in town, the big one, which plays mainstream movies). It was nice, because rather than just ask me to do something and get off the phone, we talked for awhile. We didn't talk about anything specifically really...our weekends, our day, random movies, etc... But then he asked what I was doing tomorrow.

At first, I immediately told him how busy I am, which is true, but I kind of wish I wouldn't have said that. He invited me to check out the Super Tuesday stuff with him, so I said yeah. Then he said he'd call me tomorrow, but I subtly suggested that we make a set time...I jokingly said so that I could pencil it in my book, but he laughed, so I don't think that freaked him out. But then he kept saying that he wanted to give me some chill time after classes/before hanging out, which is why he was hesitant to make a set date. Should I be worried about that? Was he hesitant because my insistence of a set-plan annoys him or because he didn't really want to hang out with me? Or was he genuinely concerned about my busy schedule? Did something I say during the conversation make him immediately regret asking me to hang out?

See how crazy I am??? I analyze EVERYTHING. Every little thing. Its WEIRD, for sure. I am trying my hardest to not overthink things, especially things I should be happy about. So I guess we'll just wait and see what happens.

Today was pretty blah. I went to class and did an interview.

At the moment, I am pretty happy about how things are going. During out date, Ryan told me that some of his friends have told him that I am cute and we have chemistry. I guess when I was interviewing him at the theater, this girl who he knew said that we were flirting and I was pretty and that he should go for it. So I guess we'll see what happens.

I talked to both of my parents today. It wasn't that exciting and I think I would have been better off not speaking with them, but oh well.

I am hopeful about tomorrow, but wary. On Friday night, I was a bit rough, not expecting to have sex or I wasn't fully pampered. But I painted my fingernails and toenails tonight and am trying to make sure I will look extra special tomorrow if we do have sex again.

So, until tomorrow...

I have one more on my breast, but obviously I can not put a picture of that on here!

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