meet me in st. louis(ville)
8:21 p.m. & 2007-05-18

I love being stood up for plans I didn't even initiate.

After Coms class, Kevin, the guy with whom I've had a mutual flirtation for the past few weeks, basically asked me to hang out tonight. He said he'd call after MAKING PLANS himself.

8:23 p.m...nada.

Now, there is still hope: it is college...people don't go out until really late and making plans can be as random as Britney Spear's outfits.

But I'm depressed today and this is just not making me feel any better.

Whenever I get like this, I go on Craigslist and look up jobs and apartments in cities where I imagine people are happier than me. I'm looking at Louisville now. Who knows where my imagination will take me...

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