weekend update
9:05 p.m. & 2007-04-15

My romantic situation is so varied, I feel as if I must provide a quick overview.

James: DEAD. Started out well. I mean, any boy who looks you up on Facebook to IM you is a potential love interest right from the start. But as you have learned from past entries, that fizzled as soon as he opened the ex-file.

Anthony: DEAD. Annoying boy!!!

Jason: DEAD. Crazy boy!!!

Robsinson: No interest on my part.

Grady: Hook up potential if really wasted. Frat boys aint my thing, yo.

Chris: New. Will be discussed later.


Okay, thats a crash course for some of you who may not have kept up.

My weekend was insanely boring. I stayed in both Friday and Saturday nights...an act unheard of at college. But it was nice. I ate some pizza, watched some movies, and got some work done. At a later date, when my mind is free and clear of romantic dilemmas, I will write about the status of my writing. All very good, thankfully, but the cause of my business.

I talked to James today. First time in several days; he acted as if nothing was different. Which is good...awkwardness will not fare well in staff meetings. Yet despite his insistence that dating will not work, he continues to flirt with me via IM. For example, we were discussing our editor's 21st birthday which took place this weekend. I was telling him the stories I heard, to which he replaied, "Wait, were you there?" He was, so his inquiry as to my presence confused me. Like, was he disappointed that he did not see me, or just surprised that he didn't notice my presence? (See, I deliberate over the stupidest things). Then, during a moment of minimal conversation, I asked him if he was excited about staff on Tuesday. His reply? "I don't get as excited about staff as you do...I actually find them pretty boring...except for the cool people" (NV)...then followed that with a WINKIE FACE. WINKIE FACE. What does that mean??? Damn emoticons.

Buuuut...there is a disappointing end to this story. So he goes away for a moment to do laundry, but comes back and then goes away again to file his taxes.

Two hours later, after I've written an entire article and gone to eat dinner, he still isn't back yet his idle sign isn't up. UGH. Damn this boy and his mixed signals via the internet.

Tomorrow I may be hanging out with another boy from staff who I am very attracted to. So far it is looking good. We make eyes at one another during staff, but the majority of our contact has happened via Facebook. I randomly messaged him asking if he would like to hang out sometime. He wrote back and said yes, along with his phone number. I asked how Monday sounded. He said it would probably work and that he would talk to me around then.

Ahh! Good sign, definintely. He does not seem like the type to play games. The only downfall is that my friend's friend is interested in him, too. And she is a drop-dead gorgeous blonde, where as I am a cute, tiny brunette. Mmmm. I guess some guys have to prefer petite brunettes over doe-eyed blondes, right? Too soon to be pessimistic!

Crazy boy has been online quite a bit. Once again, I am still surprised that he did not block me. I am even more surprised with how often he gets online, for hours at a time. Weird. I have exhibited remarkable restraint in not IM'ing him, but his presence online makes me think about a lot. Had he ever blocked me? Was I just recently unblocked? And if so, why? Unfortunately it does not seem as if our story is over. His ability to stop me in a crowd is disconcerting, as was exhibited a few days ago when he spotted me all the way across the street. It makes me nervous, like there is a chance I'll run into him everywhere I go. I have found myself thinking about him quite often. It just doesn't feel over. In past relationships there has always been a point at which I just knew things were done. I have yet to reach that point with him, despite not having spoken for three weeks. Soon, perhaps?

I am making a conscious effort to go to every class next week and devote ample time to my studies. I don't have anything too major for next week, but I'm making a point to ace what I do have. Determination is key.

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