part 1
2:12 a.m. & 2007-08-07

Ummm...where do I begin?

First off...I did check. And he definintely read it, but did not respond. Though he did, in a way. On his MySpace page was a big picture of him and his new girlfriend. Now, its an even BIGGER picture of him and his new girlfriend. I get the point.

So yeah. I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart, pretty much. Sometimes I turn on sad music and just walk around the apartment and cry. It can be theraputic, though highly pathetic. My favorite sad music right now is the soundtrack to the Irish indie Once. I highly reccomend the movie as well as the music. Good for the broken hearted and the romantic hopefuls.

Bryan and I went to see The Simpsons movie last night (Sunday night). It was REALLY fun. I love Bryan so much sometimes. He is truly one of my best friends. Both of us have aknowledged that our feelings run deeper than just friends...we spent an hour texting our mutual affection last night. He said he loves me, that I am beautiful, and that he loves me more and more every time we talk. He has a girlfriend, though. However, I am totally okay with that, because while I love him, I cherish his friendship more. And I know he really loves me by the way he DOESN'T kiss me. If he wanted to cheat, he would...we would kiss and have sex and be dirty together. But we are not. I can tell sometimes that he really wants to kiss me. I sometimes wonder what it would be like, too.

I met Bryan around the time I met my ex. We all worked at the same movie theater. I even told Bryan that we love each other, but yet we love other people. He really loves his girlfriend...and I really love my ex, still.

On a more positive note...I GOT ACCEPTED AS A SUICIDE GIRL! WOOT! It was so random, because I applied very early this morning, on a whim. I sent in one picture of myself, a rather good one I might say, but nothing spectacular. Then, upon checking my e-mail first thing when I awoke, I found out that I had made it through the first round of the application process!

Now the question is, will I do it? It entails posing nude, though artfully and tastefully. I will write about it in more detail later. I discussed it with quite a few people today and I have recieved mixed reactions. More about it tomorrow.

So, I no longer have a job. Either I got fired or quit, I really can't tell. I don't really care, though.

I have a lot to write about it, but not enough will-power to do it at the moment. I will write more tomorrow, for sure. To be continued...

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