falling on my ass
10:33 p.m. & 2007-02-27


Last night, in a moment of hubris, I texted the boy to tell him that I was put on the guest list for the show that he swore was sold out. He never texted me back. I figured after that and the e-mail, we would never speak again.

Wrong again.

I am signed on for a few minutes when an IM from his pops up. Sarcastically he declares, Congrats on getting the ticket.

I make sure to impress upon the fact that it is not a ticket, but a GUEST PASS.

Random chit-chat ensues, and finally I ask about the e-mail. He says that he read it, but did not remember it because "it was right after I called him a dick."

Erm. While I stand by my reasons for calling him a dick, I was rather shocked at the next few comments.

He mentioned something about how I assumed that he did not take me seriously (I did not, and still do not understand what he meant), but he assured me that he did and still does. Like I said, I am still baffled by what he meant exactly, but the intensity with which he said had me convinced that he does take me seriously.

Also, ater a rather shockingly egotistical discussion about our lack of hanging out (You have friends, don't you?--Um, thanks?), he simply stated that I need to stop acting like we are never going to hang out. Because apparently we are and I just didn't know it! Apparently all I have to do is WAIT! Still, despite how much more than statement baffled me, I felt oddly reassured. I also felt reassured when he requested that I stop picking these fights with him.

Why? Because you see, this boy is annoyingly brash and honest. Almost uncomfortably so. I really do not think he would be trying to save our friendship if he didn't think there was something worth saving. That is both reassuring and scary; how deep are we going to get into this? We've already slept together...it can only go downhill from there.

We had random, meaningless conversation for the next two hours. Like old times. Unfortunately I am back where I started, asking myself the eternal question...where is this all going?

Ironically, tonight's episode of Sex and the City is about that very subject. Ha. There really is an episode for almost any problem a girl might have.

My day in general was quite uneventful. Class, some writing, and dinner with the gang at Buffalo Wild Wings. I hung out with Michael, Shayne, and CJ, the three members of the group I find to be the least offensive to my nerves. We had an awesome time. Eating wings, laughing our asses off. The funniest moment of our night was when I fell down a hill, right on my ass. Painful, but freaking hilarious. Luckily I know how to have a good laugh at myself.

Life overall is going well. I am a bit worried about finals and my GPA for this semester. While I am projecting relatively good grades for three out of my four classes, I am scared shitless about my history class. I am hoping for the best, despite my complete lack of motivation. In high school, everything was about appearances. Grades especially. Who cares what you actually knew. The A was all that mattered on the college application. But now, the stakes are different. Higher, but in a different sense. For example, the article I am doing on Girl Talk will give me the advantage over a journalism student who may have recieved an A in history, but never actually did an interview. Ironically, there are tons of them. The Post (our town newspaper) is considered to be the most respectable publication on campus, yet only a handful of students participate. Chances are those students are more likely to get the killer internships. I am banking on experience to work in my favor.

On that subject, I must be off to transcribe that interview. I never realized how silly I sound when I'm nervous...I mumble like an idiot! First major interview nerves I guess...

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