i'm with the band
11:31 p.m. & 2007-08-17

A relaxing Friday night.

Ha. Ironically, I go out WAY more during the week than on the weekends. Weekends are chill time.

Hence why I am watching a Degrassi marathon and looking up pictures on cool photography websites.

The Modest Mouse show was pretty amazing, except for the insanely dry patches on skin that formed on my body. Because OF COURSE, when a cute guy you know is going to be somewhere you are, something embarassing MUST happen. Grrr. Chris from school was there, single and looking better than ever. So naturally, I looked like scuz. Oh well. It was fun--the show was great, Chris was awesome and my friends and I had a great time.

Jess and I being emo in the car. We rock the shades.

Jess decking Steve.

Yeah, we didn't get it either.

Opening band.

Modest Mouse.


After the show, I saw my ex-hallmate's brother at Wendy's. Weird and ironic. What was that, an OU reunion?

Last night, Jess and I went to our friend Andy's band's show at the Canal Street Tavern in Dayton. If you recall from earlier posts, Andy was the boy I hooked-up with before Will. His band was pretty awesome, but they didn't win the round. The other band must have invited everyone on their MySpace list because it was freaking packed with all of their "fans". Andy was so cute, playing his cello (yup, a rock band with a cello...). I wanted to jump his bones right there.

Jess and I before the show.

At the show.

We'll see how that goes.

I finally finished my story on the Creation Museum after getting the interview with Mark Looy, the co-founder of Answers in Genesis, which is the organization that built the museum. It was interesting. I think my piece came out okay, but as I finished it at 5 freaking a.m., there is definintely room for error. I sent it to Damon and have yet to recieve edits.

Also, on the Damon-front, I spoke to him on the phone yesterday and mentioned that I might go to Athens this weekend. Well, actually, I had mentioned that in an e-mail, and he brought it up on the phone, saying that I should give him a call this weekend. EEEEE. But then today his e-mails seemed blunt, so I don't know.

Tonight has been very relaxing. Tomorrow I need to get my license (still lost), hang out with Bryan and Aaron. I am thinking about dying my hair--maybe REALLY light brown with blondish highlights. It would def be a biiig change.

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